After uninstalling the native versions of nodejs and npm from debian 10, I installed nodejs 16.14.0 thus: cd ~ curl -sL -o sudo bash sudo apt-get install -y nodejs From the project directory I initialized the project and installed express.js and pug using a special option to avoid a stupid error: npm init npm install express --no-bin-links npm install pug --no-bin-links At this point I moved this directory from my nas to 'Desktop'. The nas may have been responsible for the bin-linking error above. I then setup sqlite; the then current npm package required an audit fix, resulting in its downgrade to 4.2.0: sudo apt install sqlite3 npm install sqlite3 npm audit fix --force I then installed next.js and turned off its sickening telemetry anti-feature: npm install next react react-dom npx next telemetry disable I then installed nodegit, which unfortunately required a seperate package: sudo apt-get install libkrb5-dev npm install nodegit I then installed and initialized tailwind css: npm install -D tailwindcss postcss autoprefixer npx tailwindcss init -p I then installed highlight.js: npm install highlight.js npm audit fix --force React icons: npm install react-icons